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>> Sunday, May 1, 2011

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ktm motorcycles world 2011

If you are looking for a good starter bike for your little ones, could certainly not be the worst, get the KTM 50 Mini Adventure. The bike is designed for children aged three and is an excellent introduction to bike, but one that still packs some punch. The bike is preferred by most because of its speed, and the reputation of the KTM in the motocross world. The seat of 650mm means up, that there should be accidents can be adjusted, the driver will not fall too far, to avoid potential injuries. The KTM Adventure Mini uses a 49 cc, single cylinder two-stroke engine that runs on a mixture of fuel and oil. There is a push for bike, with a single speed automatic transmission, long travel suspension and has a tank capacity of about half a gallon. This means that fill ups is likely to be frequent occurrences, even though this is not necessarily a bad thing that your three year old drive around the city usually not something you want. The suggested price for the bike runs just over three grand once all is said and done, but used or older models can use the fair to facilitate a quick search on the internet can be acquired. Spare and replacement parts are also much about the Internet and are usually quite favorable as a result of the Dirt Bike popularity.

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One of the main arguments bikes (or problems, depending on how well you and your child) is its speed. It is a very fast bike for the size and age, in which children will ride. Some parents may be a little cautious about this go to her little children because of how fast it really is. However, if you are interested in your child, a world-class dirt bike racer, is the speed of the Mini also an ideal starting point. It deals very well with the front and rear disc brakes, and the looks are very solid as it mimics its larger counterpart, which should please just about any young rider. The bike does not have an absolutely perfect story, however, when starting the bike, some customers have had problems keeping the engine at idle and sometimes even off the bike, but the problem eventually fixed itself without further changes. It is unknown if this is a manufacturing defect in model year 2008 or not.

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As far as starters go dirt bikes, the KTM Adventure Mini one of the most popular of its class, and regularly reached high values ​​in motorcycle reviews. There are very few bikes in this market, the offer so much for so little money zoom. The Mini is a wonderful way to get your child into the world of dirt biking interested. Remember to keep an eye on your bike would be Dirt Star, because of the sheer power could be accommodated within the bike easy to get away too much for smaller children, and it could by them in the worst possible time.

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