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Modification Acura NSX-advanced sports car concept

>> Thursday, December 30, 2010

The rumormill suggested that the new NSX was edging closer and closer to production, but today Autoblog confirmed that Honda has shelved the project. These are proving to be brutal times for Honda sports car and racing fans, as Honda earlier announced plans to sell its once promising Formula 1 team.

What the production NSX was to have been like was based on rumor and speculation-Honda did a fine job of keeping details under wraps, as they typically do. While this news is disappointing, the NSX filled a very small niche. Honda is hurting in a global recession, just as most manufacturers are. While sales are down, Honda was prepared for the economic downturn, with small, handsome, solid performers like the new Fit and the Civic. These cars are the focus of Honda currently, as well as the upcoming Insight hybrid.

Production of the last generation NSX ended in 2005, so it’s not as if Honda was feeling forced to rush a new NSX into production anyways. For the time being, the Nissan Skyline GT-R remains THE Japanese super-car. Once the economy sorts itself out eventually (we hope), Honda could revive plans to bring the NSX back. But for the time being, the NSX is not the right car for right now.

Best and Ultimate Guide To Modified Of Cars

Car modification is an area I have dabbled in myself and I must confess to finding great enjoyment in it. There will always be those who see anyone who modifies their car as a “Boy” or “Girl” racer. Of course, this may be the case for some, but others spend a huge amount of time and money on their beloved cars. The last thing on their mind would be driving dangerously and jeopardising the safety of their most precious item.

The modifying of your car can provide a welcomed focus and is certainly very enjoyable. There are many hobbies that appear superficially to follow a similar theme. Modifying a Pc and adding the latest parts, such as a new processor to increase performance is very similar to adding a new component to a car to increase speed and performance. Indeed, it can be said that to many of us, most things in life can come down to speed or performance in one way or another.

The topic that will never be far from this one is that of modified or performance car insurance. Of course if you modify and improve the performance of your car you will pay a higher premium price. Nevertheless, for some of us it can be a struggle to find a car insurance company even willing to insure a modified or performance car in the first place. Then you will have to consider paying an extortionate amount to cover your car, leaving most us a nervous wreck.

Best Modified Of CarsThe problem lies mainly in the engine modification department. Changes to exterior fittings such as tailgate spoilers, new alloy wheels and body kit will make a noticeable difference in your premium, but at least this is an area most insurance companies are willing to cover. When it comes to engine modifications and cars with extremely powerful engines, a lot of them will not even enter into giving you a quote.

If you have added only exterior items or changed the in-car entertainment system then you can pretty much go ahead and search through quotes in the usual manner. You must remember to ring the car insurance company you have chosen after selecting the best quote for your car as standard. I would suggest picking several of the better value for money quotes, ensuring they give you the coverage your looking for (remember cheapest is not always best) and then ringing the company to continue the quote and give details of your modification. You should find most companies are pretty modification friendly as long as there only minor changes.

Best Modified Of CarsIf you have modified you engine by way of a chip, induction kit or similar then things start to get a little trickier. This is also the case with having a generally high-powered performance engine. Many mainstream insurers will not insure a car with engine modifications or a high-powered car with a young driver. Here you will be best to follow the same procedure as above and seek quotes from specialist insurers. You may find the process a little slower but you will be rewarded with a more tailored and possibly cheaper policy.

Above all, you must remember to be honest to your insurer. Something as small as misinforming the insurer as to where you car will be kept overnight can be seen as fraud. Altering details to give yourself a cheaper policy, if not accurate, will ultimately result in voided insurance when the issuing company finds out.

Air Jordan -Motorsports- Pack May Just Be Released

air jordan motorsports pack 615x451 Air Jordan Motorsports Pack May Just Be Released

The rumor mill has been buzzing over this for a few weeks now. A few pairs of the Air Jordan Six Rings and Air Jordan 6 from the Air Jordan Motorsports Pack have popped up at resale sites such as MarqueeSole and OSneaker with a detail which has many of us suspecting the sneakers are bound for some sort of retail release.

Displayed on the backside of the tongue tags on the sneakers which were made available through the resale sites features the newly designed Air Jordan 23/25 logo which was designed in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the Air Jordan line. This minor detail tells us at this time that Jordan Brand has produced alternate versions of the sneakers, possibly for a retail release during 2010 when they celebrate their 25th Anniversary, as the logo was not included on the pairs distributed to the team and crew of Michael Jordan Motorsports. Kreig, our contact at Michael Jordan Motorsports has confirmed to us that the sneakers given to them does indeed not include the 23/25 logo, however he has no details nor can he confirm or comment on whether or not the pack will be making a retail release.

Whatever the fact may be we will be sure to keep you posted on any further info. If Jordan Brand were to release the Air Jordan Motorsports Pack would you have any interest in copping either of the two sneakers?

Vario Matic Modification Low Rider From Jakarta

Vario Matic Modification Low Rider From Jakarta

Modification Honda Vario Low Rider Jakarta to have the coolest new tamilan monopoly modifmania not just big cities. In Madiun, East Java, Donny Dwi Budianto of 73 Motor Honda Vario 2007 remodel his property until he could''aka''bodinya jig up and down like on MODIF car.

Donny aka Modern MEFRIK apply concepts, aesthetic, functional, Rational, Innovation, and Creative at berlambang skubek packed wing. The most prominent and practically MODIF breakthrough in 2009 that the use of air suspension (water-sus), which makes the body can rise and fall as many have been adopted in the modification of cars in the country.

Vario Matic Modification Low Rider From JakartaVario Matic Modification Low Rider From Jakarta

"It's like a big-matic trends in Japan," said Donny. To be able to operate a water-sus, it uses 550 psi pressure compressor. To shockbreaker used hydraulic diameter 4 cm, which is used on the car door.

Because funsgi shock just to go up and down the body, then add the shock Donny placed under the saddle near the bay front shield. Functions, in addition to compress and rebound adjust, as well as to stabilize the body. To operate the water-sus, using two buttons placed at the center stabilizer.

Another breakthrough from Donny, consider the shock front. He dared to adopt a monoshock. "The work itself using the pipe and the model as in Vespa," he explained. In order for a custom look, the fiber was wrapped and given the chrome.

Vario Matic Modification Low Rider From Jakarta

Not only that. Look at the lights. Home disposable Honda Airblade and mica lamps have an advantage, the inside-custom disposable projector models from the headlights. Meanwhile, LED lights dusk already apply.

As for the behind the creation of 73 motors. Pointy shape following the stern line with multi-LED lights. There is also the brake lights and Sein.

2012 Ariel Atom V8 500

No, your eyes are not deceiving you! Ariel have indeed gone completely bonkers and fitted a bespoke V8 engine to the already madly fast, and madly exciting Ariel Atom. The Atom is a refined vehicle that actually works on the road, allowing it to represent the best track day experience. This new V8 version takes crazy to new heights thanks to minimal weight and 500HP – that may not sound

Caterham to debut new model at the Autosport International

We haven’t seen anything new from Caterham recently as the British manufacturer seems to he content with just producing continuation models of their iconic Lotus Seven models.All that, however, was bound to change and now Caterham has announced that it has plans of unveiling a completely new model at the start of 2011. Details are still sketchy at this point, but Caterham has made it known

2011 Ferrari P4/5 Competizione

Exterior and Interior DetailsWhile there aren’t any interior details as of yet, we can imagine that it’s going to be quite sparse. This is a racing car of sorts so don’t expect leather seats and all the luxurious amenities that come in certain sports cars. We think the Ferrari P4/5 Competizione will have racing seats with harnesses and a technologically laden gauge cluster. Air conditioning

All New Hyundai Elantra Spotted

We recently spotted Hyundai’s next venture into the Indian car market, the all new Elantra. The 2011 Elantra a.k.a the Avante was unveiled at the Busan Auto Show in South Korea and now will be soon seen in India. We spotted the car during its test runs and we expect the all new sedan to hit the Indian roads in the later half of 2011. We did not get a chance to see the interiors of the car but by


>> Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Jordan Six Rings-Motorsports – A Closer Look

Thanks to the man Kreig Robinson from Michael Jordan Motorsports we are able to provide you with a closer look at the Jordan Six Rings ‘Motorsports’ we showed you the other day. As y0u should know by now the Six Rings were created alongside the Air Jordan VI ‘Motorsports’ to celebrate the 6th Anniversary or Michael Jordan Motorsports. The design scheme and colorway on each of the sneakers was done up in a fashion to match the new paint jobs the sportbikes and trailer received, as well as match the uniforms of the team members. The whole package is just lovely. The Six Rings, the VI’s and the bikes and trailer to match. A match made in heaven.

Unfortunately for all us Air Jordan fans these sneakers will never be released and have only been produced in extremely limited numbers exclusively for the riders and crew of Michael Jordan Motorsports, and close personal friends of MJ. There may be a pair or two which pops up on eBay or through one of the consignment shops, but dont ever expect to see these sitting on stores shelves.

jordan six rings motorsports 2 Jordan Six Rings Motorsports   A Closer Look

jordan six rings motorsports 3 Jordan Six Rings Motorsports   A Closer Look

Modification of Raider

No more powerful features of the 2003 Suzuki Raider. Starting from the front to rear, this bike has changed completely. Instead the result so extreme, with some elements of the technology changes. Like condoms tank lid can be opened using keys, that one is a teroboson. At the very least, a breakthrough modifications in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

Home modifications Irfandi from Pontianak in 2XP "Equator City" made a bold move. Consider the attached seat on the house from the original exhaust Ducati 969. Meanwhile, the bottom-distance with the wheels still empty. "Indeed, the design was not able to fit," said Irfandi.

Plus the arm (swing arm) are large and sturdy, while the framework for and the seat is thin, the harmonization was a little disturbed. "In the arm, I use the pro arm of Honda NSR SP and condoms to be given greater," explained Irfandi.

To the top, using a subframe which modifikator is knock down because he wanted to make a long tail. If you get bored, then it could be dismantled extra-pair. To integrate additional context, he uses the L bolt size of 8 mm 6 pieces. "In addition to booster seats, it also became a kind of bracket for the exhaust," said senior modifikator.

Realized there was a wide cavity, he cut back by adding exhaust Ducati 969. Another thing if a minimoto sokbreker position in Australia was not too collapsed. For each, he wore a Honda CBR150 for more tender than the original.

Also interesting, given condoms tank-lid can be opened by pressing the button. According to Irfandi, he uses the power window car fitted with a small shock. By pressing once, the condom could be opened up to 45 degrees.


Japanese Mafia Concept on Serena HWS

>> Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Japanese Mafia Concept on Serena HWS

Luxury Cars Global

According to the European Commission, the "luxury vehicle" segment is classified as F-segment. However, the boundaries between the traditional segments are increasingly becoming blurred and diluted as features once exclusive to luxury vehicles become standard equipment on even small cars.
Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars
Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

Luxury Cars

* ACRISS is a code system used by many car rental companies in the US for classifying vehicles (but not brands or marques). The system includes Luxury and Premium categories.
* Australia In Australia, for taxation purposes a luxury car is defined as a passenger car whose value exceeds a certain threshold.
* Germany: In Germany the term "Upper class" (German: Oberklasse) is used.
* Russia: Russian markets use the term "representative class vehicle" (Russian: автомобиль представительского класса, also translated as "luxury vehicle").
* United States Consumer Guide's categorization which sorts luxury vehicles by size acknowledges that there can be considerable price variations within a class; for instance the Lincoln Town Car has a relatively low MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) compared to the BMW 7 Series, Lexus LS, or Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Widebody Kit on Nissan 350z by Majestic Modification

Feliç any 2011

Trànsit redueix el termini de pagament de forma ilegal

AEA, Automovilistas Europeos Asociados, denuncia que existeixen greus irregularitats en el nou sistema per notificar les multes de trànsit a través d'Internet i portarà aquesta acció als tribunals.
Aquest sistema l'utilizen des del novembre la DGT, el Departament d'Interior del Gobern basc, el Servei Català de Trànsit i l'Ajuntament de Madrid. Es tracta de sobrepassar-se greument el dret de defensa dels ciutadans al no respectar els terminis legals establerts per el procés. 

Llibre Dani Pedrosa

Dani Pedrosa presenta un conte "Dos duendes mecánicos para Dani Pedrosa", pertany a la col·lecció Els Valors de l'Esport de l'editorial SM.
El conte està escrit per Pau Joan Hernández, especialista amb literatura juvenil, i pren com a referència el regal que rebrà Pedrosa per Nadal quan tenia cinc anys, un mono de motocross. A partir d'aquí dos follets mecànics anomenats Tim i Tom l'ajuden per convertir-se amb Campió del Món.
Lluny de les bromes que això pot proposar-se en el conte ve enllaçat amb els valors positius de l'esport com l'esforç, la solidaritat o la superació personal.  Pedrosa es només un dels esportistes que ha donat la seva imatge, entre altres com: Pep Guardiola, Gemma Mengual, Juan Carlos Navarro, Edurne Pasaban, Alberto Contador, Marquino, Daniel o Luis Amado.
El preu del llibre son 5,95 euros i el 6% de cada exemplar va destinat a Aldeas Infantils SOS. Està disponible amb castellà i català, i es una bona idea per regalar lectura a nens d'entre 6 i 14 anys.

Feliç 2011

Radars de tram ja funcionen

La DGT informa que els radars de tram ja està en funcionament i que començarà a multar al dia 1 de febrer.
De moment n'hi ha dos, un està a la AP-6 amb el túnel de Guadarrama direcció Corunya i amb una longitut de 3,5km. L'altre està situat a la A-7, en Màlaga, concretament al Túnel de Torrox direcció Barcelona i cobreix un tram d'un quilometre. Ambdos estan en zones limitades a 100 Kms/h.

Ja està en funcionament sense arribar al final del tràmit amb la multa, només envien les notificacions d'avís als infractors. A partir de l'1 de Febrer si que s'actibarà. En 2011 es preveu instal·lar-ne quatre radars més.
Aquest tipus de radar no multen per superar la velocitat màxima en un punt concret de la via, sino que el càlcul de la velocitat mitjana superi la velocitat màxima permesa en el tram controlat.


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